8 puppies | 1 litters
Non refundable on charge of mind
All pups are health checked by the vet and 🐾Puppies come- 🐛Wormed every two weeks, 💉 VACCINATED, 🏷️ Microchipped, 🏥 Vet checked 📝Transfer papers, 📘Puppy's vet records and *Lifetime Breeder Support, *Life time home policy (puppy/dog can be returned at any stage of Life) we like to include this support so if something happens and the buyer can not keep the pup/dog by returning it to the breeder we will retrain, re-educate ( if required) and rehome the pet.
Pups all have full vet check at 6 weeks, 9 weeks and 12 weeks old when they have their vaccinations. Pups all pass the health checks or will not be sold. Both parents have been DNA tested and cleared.
All pups attend the puppy pre school at Northern Districts Kennel & Obedience Club Inc. until rehomed.