Puppies Online

Family Dogues

Breeder in Mooloolah Valley, QLD

0 puppies | 0 litters

  • Adam M
  • QLD


Breeder Description

We are family of 5 – not dog breeders, but lovers of the breed! Pebbles is an attentive and wonderful mum, and the puppies are being brought up in our family home, with our 3 kids. They are used to being loved and cuddled, they are beautifully socialised and well adjusted. We are biased … we think this breed is wonderful – with a powerful and majestic look, combined with a gentle personality, they are a unique and perfect addition for the right home.

Describe how a family can get their puppy.

If you're interested in a puppy from Family Dogues, please apply. You'll be asked to provide information about yourself and what you are looking for so the breeder can help you find the right match. Once you apply, Adam will get back to you about availability, pricing and next steps.